- January: Seminar on Symmetric Cryptography at castle Dagstuhl, Germany, 03.04.- 08.04.2022
- April-August: security analysis of the ORGA Data ID authentication system focusing on logical accounts; with ORGADATA Software Services AG;
- January: Seminar on Symmetric Cryptography at castle Dagstuhl, Germany, 19.1.-24.1.2020
- March - August: BSI Grundschutz (German analog of the ISO 27001 certification) analysis of the evangelische Kirche Bremen; with bremische evangelische Kirche;
- September: Invited guest at the Ernst Selmer International Workshop, 14.9.-18.9.2020, Loen, Norway
- September: Appointed member of the programm comitee for the 5th international workshop on boolean functions and their applications (BFA2020) at Grenada, Spain.
- January: Member of appointment committee at the department of engineering sciences, Jade-Hochschule, Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg, Elsfleth
- January-September: Cybersecurity-Project supported by the federal government, Bonn
- March: Fast Software Encryption 2019, Paris, France
- April: CDAH Studentsexchange-program, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou,Zhejiang
- June: Talk at Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications 2019, Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA), Florence, Italy
- September: Host of the workshop FrisiaCrypt 2019, international workshop on symmetric cryptography,
- September-Dezember: BSI-Grundschutz analysis of the IT-Infrastructure of Bremische evangelische Kirche, Bremen
- November: Mini-Workshop on the security of GPRS, Horst-Görtz Institut, Bochum
- February: ExpertTeach "Hacking", Frankfurt-Dietzenbach
- March - June: - It-Security Project with Enercon, Aurich, BSI-Grundschutzanalyse der ev. refomierten Kirche Leer, Leer
- April: HGI-Workshop "Cryptography", Bochum
- June: The 3rd International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA), invited talk, Loen, Norway
- October-December: Cybersecurity-Project supported by the federal government, Bonn, Ipro-L-Project on the Security of IoT wirh a focus on ZigBee and Z-Wave.
- October-November: Member of appointment committee at the department of engineering sciences, Jade-Hochschule, Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg, Elsfleth
- December: Opponent in the defense of Bjørn Møller Greve of his thesis “Systems of Boolean equations, elimination theory, and applications to cryptography”, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway